Sunday Services: 
Adult & Kids Sunday School 9:00am seasonally  /  Morning Worship 10:00 am

Sunday Services:
Adult & Kids Sunday School 9:00am seasonally  /  Morning Worship 10:00 am

Speakers for the month of February

Jan 30, 2025

Each week we have some excellent guest speakers while we are waiting to find a pastor.

2/2/25   Chris Knapp

2/9/25  Jeremy McCool

2/16/25  Jeff Hackett

2/23/25  Sean Williams


Community Dinner

Join us for our next Community Dinner Monday, February 17th at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall. Menu is Soup, Chili, Salad, Bread & Dessert Donations are gratefully accepted

Foodlink Drive Thru Pop up Pantry

We will have our next Foodlink Drive Thru Pop up Pantry on March 10th at 4pm at the Alexander Firemen’s Rec Hall 10708 Alexander Road (Route 98), Alexander NY This is a FREE food giveaway open to anyone in our area. If you have any questions feel free to call the...

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Beginning Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30pm we will be studying "The Ways of God" by Richard Blackaby.  Please purchase your own book if you plan to attend. (books range from $9-$13.50 online) If you have any questions please contact Stef Worthington.

Food Pantry Needs

Food Pantry Donations Needed! Our Food Pantry is low on several items and we are hoping the community may be able to help! Donations can be dropped off during Food Pantry Hours Tuesdays 5-7pm & Wednesdays 9-11am or call the church at 585-591-1765 to set up a drop...

NEW Food Pantry Hours

Beginning November 5th our Food Pantry will have new hours. Tuesday Evenings from 5-7pm Wednesday Mornings from 9-11am If you have a need please come during these hours and our volunteers will be happy to help you!

Thank you Alexander Elementary!

A great Big THANK YOU to the Second Grade classes, Teachers, and Staff at Alexander Elementary School for the wonderful donation to the Food Pantry through their Bare Necessities Drive!

The Church in Alexander News Article

Click here to read a recent article about The Church in Alexander from The Batavian.

Recycle for Youth

Please consider donating your cans and bottles to the Youth Group. An account is set-up at the Batavia Bottle and Can Retrieval Center near the Aldi plaza. Labels are available in the lobby to put on your bags before donating. Or bring your bags to church and Heath...